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After graduating from Harvard University in May 2019, I rid myself of the student-athlete identity for the first time in my life. I desired for the time and ability to commit entirely to squash, a sport that has helped dictate my life since I picked it up at age 9. At 22, I grasped the idea of playing the sport without any distractions and chose to become a professional squash player.
Statistiche del giocatore
15Highest Ranking
USACountry of Birth
30 December 1996Birthday
2011Date Turned Pro
5'3" / 165Height (ft / cm)
5PSA titles
La racchetta di Sabrina
Questo modello più leggero della Revelation Pro presenta un bilanciamento all'altezza del manico, che lo rende manovrabile e veloce in campo. È l'ideale per giocatrori intermedi e avanzati.