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My goals

I’ve been kind of thinking about what I would want to achieve next, for the next half of the season, because I’ve already achieved the goals that I set to myself for the 22/23 season, for the entire season.

So I need to change them in order to be motivated. I think… apart from the ranking points, and all that, I think if I can make it to the World Tour Finals, that will be a really good achievement for me.

Statistiche del giocatore

7Highest Ranking
FranceCountry of Birth
16 June 1999Birthday
2014Date Turned Pro
5'6" / 170Height (ft / cm)
19PSA titles


La racchetta di Victor


Questo modello più leggero della Revelation Pro presenta un bilanciamento all'altezza del manico, che lo rende manovrabile e veloce in campo. È l'ideale per giocatrori intermedi e avanzati.

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