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Falling in love with the game

My tennis journey began because both of my older sisters played and I would go to their practise sessions and pick up all the balls they hit at the other side of the court.

My main motivation for playing tennis is my love for the sport. There’s nothing else I’d rather do with my time. I most enjoy the never ending struggle to continue to improve and the competitive nature of the sport.

My best so far

A major highlight of my career so far was when I represented Great Britain in the Davis Cup in Spain. Qualifying for the French Open was also special for me.

It’s difficult to choose my favourite tournament because I have so many great memories at so many great tournaments!

For me, what makes a good match is two people that won’t tap out. Then it really becomes a match!


116Highest ranking
EnglandCountry of birth
January 4, 1994Date of birth
2014Date turned pro
6'0" / 1.83Height
0ATP singles titles

Left-handed, two-handed backhand

Day in. Day out.

My daily routine always begins with 15 minutes of mindfulness, followed by 10 minutes of mobility, and then everything else varies depending on whether I’m in a competition or training.

Besides tennis, my favourite sport is football. I love playing it, even though I am terrible! And I love watching it. I also like to read a lot and play video games.

Staying grounded

My friends and family keep me grounded. The travelling can be difficult but it’s been a part of my life for over 15 years.

What drives me to succeed is my desire to represent my family and my home town as best I can. To show myself and others what a completely average person can achieve. I’m not sure I have a role model as such but I love watching videos of former World No. 1 Marcelo Rios playing tennis. I take inspiration from anybody; Pep Guardiola to Andy Murray, Julius Caesar to my nieces.

My ultimate goal is to be able to work because I want to and not because I have to. And to give the people I am close to the same choice.

My Pro tips

My best tip is to never quit!  After a bad match I allow myself an hour to feel sorry for myself. Then it’s time to move on and learn what I can, and in turn become a better player. In the past I have struggled with self-belief on a tennis court. I think as you mature you learn more about yourself and how to handle doubts/emotions.

You could have the fastest car in the world but if you don’t have anyone to drive it then it’s not going to go anywhere.

Liam's Schläger

CX 200

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